Paper Market Update | May 2024
UFS price increases being implemented
Implementation of the 5-8% April price increases announced by all NorthAmerican uncoated freesheet (UFS) producers has begun. The increasesare due to inflationary costs and include all UFS grades. Some of the increases will be implemented during May, depending on the mill and grade. The last time UFS paper prices increased in the US market was in September 2022, during the COVID-19 pandemic, due to supply reduction and panic buying. Overseas suppliers including Suzano and Navigator also announced price increases for North America, but the implementation will likely be later in the second quarter.
The UFS market recently tightened somewhat on the supply side due to maintenance shutdowns. Domtar is taking a 30-day downtime shut at its Windsor, QC, mill. Other mills have plans to take regular or extended maintenance downtime in the second quarter, including Sylvamo’s Ticonderoga, NY, and Eastover, SC, mills; International Paper’s Georgetown, SC, and Riverdale, AL, mills; and PCA’s International Falls, MN, mill, according to RISI. Pixelle also has planned annual downtime at its Spring Grove, PA, mill early in June.
ND Paper is taking extended downtime on the R12 paper machine at its Rumford, ME, mill. The company said “challenging market conditions” drove them to “reallocate production capacity to match our customer demand across our manufacturing platform.”
Lindenmeyr Central Champions Affordable Mail Service in D.C.
Lindenmeyr Central is on the front lines fighting for a reliable and affordable U.S. Postal Service (USPS). Recent and planned price hikes have threatened the mailing industry and the broader economy, prompting Don Bergen, head of Lindenmeyr’s postal advocacy team, to ramp up lobbying efforts on Capitol Hill.
The fight extends beyond Washington. Lindenmeyr actively participates in industry groups like the American Commerce Marketing Association (ACMA) and Keep Us Posted (KUP), with Don recently joining the KUP board.
The mailing industry is a $1.9 trillion powerhouse, supporting nearly 8 million jobs. However, the trend of excessive, biannual USPS price increases is a major concern. These hikes lack justification and threaten
jobs, businesses, and economic growth.
Lindenmeyr urges everyone to get involved! Companies can join ACMA and KUP, and individuals can easily contact Congress through KUP's online portal: Thank you for supporting a strong and affordable mailing system!
Demand and Operating Rate Forecasts (RISI)

U.S. Economy and Paper End-Use Indicators

N.A. Coated Paper Demand and Shipments | N.A. P&W Paper Producer Inventories