Reminder: PRC 10-Year Review Comments Due March 1

    Comments are due no later than March 1, 2018. Reply comments are due no later than March 30, 2018. The Commission proposal would maintain a price-cap system, but with authority above CPI:

    •  2% Over CPI: Proposes a 2% rate authority over the CPI cap for five years
    • 1% Performance-Based Authority: Proposes an additional 1% performance-based rate authority. The PRC divided the 1% point of performance-based rate authority between an operational efficiency- based standard (0.75 percentage points), and service quality-related criteria (0.25 percentage points).
    • 2% Non-Compensatory: For products that do not cover costs, the PRC proposes price increases that are 2% higher than other elements of the class.

    Comments are due no later than March 1, 2018. Reply comments are due no later than March 30, 2018. The 30 days for reply comments could extend longer. If it does move forward, there is an anticipated 45 – 90 day implementation period. This is a very fluid situation and implementation could start as early as June or push into 2019. Most expect the proposal will change and we won’t see implementation in 2018. Visit the PRC website to create an account for comment submission. Associations have shared templates to use as a starting point. If you would like a copy, contact Paula Stoskopf. For more information read: More than the 10-Year Review when Planning for the Future Updated with FY 17 ACR

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